Sheshank Kamalapuram

Founder & CEO at Vanguard International Solutions, Inc.
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Location: Atlanta Metropolitan Area
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Founder & CEO
Last updated: 17/01/2024 16:13 PM
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Sheshank Kamalapuram is from Atlanta Metropolitan Area. Sheshank works in the following industries: "Wholesale", "Hospital & Health Care", "Medical Device", and "Logistics & Supply Chain". Sheshank is currently Founder & CEO at Vanguard International Solutions Inc. , located in Cumming, Georgia, United States.

Sheshank Kamalapuram's contact information is available for free on, a web-based professional networking database with more than 500 million business contacts and 200 million company profiles.

Sheshank Kamalapuram's current jobs
Title: Founder & CEO
Period: Apr 2018 - Present (6 years, 9 months)
Location: Cumming, Georgia, United States

Vanguard International Solutions, Inc. is a fast growing wholesale supplier of disposable gloves, medical and PPE products.

Sheshank Kamalapuram's education
Bhavan’s College of Communications and Management
2001 - 2002
2002 - 2004
Badruka Degree College, Osmania University
B. Com
1998 - 2001
2001 - 2002
Sheshank Kamalapuram's top skills
Management Business Analysis Customer Service Supply Chain Management Sourcing Strategic Planning Customs Regulations Global Sourcing Purchasing International Logistics International Trade Warehouse Operations Account Management Leadership Inventory Management Logistics Management Third-Party Logistics (3PL)
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