Shixia Wang DVM Ph D

Senior Director of Immunology at Vaxxinity; Vaccinologist
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LinkedIn: Shixia Wang, PhD
Location: Worcester, Massachusetts, United States
Current employer:
Conigen Bioscience, Inc.
Current title:
Chief Scientific Officer
Last updated: 14/03/2024 13:05 PM
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Shixia Wang DVM Ph D is from Worcester, Massachusetts, United States. Shixia works in the following industries: "Research Services". Shixia is currently Chief Scientific Officer at Conigen Bioscience, Inc., located in Worcester, Massachusetts, United States.

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Shixia Wang DVM Ph D's current jobs
Company: Conigen Bioscience, Inc.
Title: Chief Scientific Officer
Period: May 2023 - Present (1 year, 8 months)
Location: Worcester, Massachusetts, United States

Conigen Bioscience Inc. is a science-driven life science tools company that integrates state-of-art immunology, virology, molecular biology and cell biology to create new reagents and high-quality assays, for a broad range of novel targets to enable new drug modalities, from discovery to development to manufacturing. Dr. Shixia Wang is a Co-Founder and the Chief Scientific Officer of Conigen Bioscience, Inc. Previously, Dr. Wang was a professor at University of Massachusetts Medical School, focused on vaccine and antibody research and discovery since 2000. After 2021, as the senior director of immunology in a vaccine company, she successfully enhanced the team and capabilities, built a state-of-art immunology lab from scratch in a record time. Dr. Wang has extensive knowledge and expertise in vaccinology, immunology, infectious disease, virology, microbiology and antibody research. Her rich experiences cover immunogen design, modern immunological and virological assays, bioanalytical and GLP assay development and management, toxicology and clinical study design, process development for DNA and protein vaccine GMP manufacturing and PreIND/IND filing. Dr. Wang has published over 160 peer-reviewed papers and holds 12 patents.

Shixia Wang DVM Ph D's education
Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine
Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
1992 - 1995
Hebei Agricultural University
1980 - 1985
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