Simon Morgan
Simon Morgan is from Hammersmith, England, United Kingdom. Simon is currently Chair of B 509/3 at BSI, located in London, England, United Kingdom. Simon also works as Chair of Traffic Signs Panel at INSTITUTE OF HIGHWAY ENGINEERS, a job Simon has held since Jan 2001. Another title Simon currently holds is Chairman at Buchanan Computing Ltd.
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Simon Morgan's current jobs
Chair of the UK committee for British and European traffic sign standards: B/509/03
Chair of the IHE Traffic Signs Panel, reposible for its annual conference, the Professional Certificate and Diploma in traffic sign design, publications usch as the IHE SIgn Structures Guide and liaison with DfT, BSI, Trasport Scotland, Welsh Governement and Deptartment for Infrastructure (NI).
Company founder, software developer, expert on traffic signs and orders and business manager.