Simon W

Managing Director at Automated Environmental Systems Ltd
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Email: ****n@automatedenvironmentalsystems.co.uk
LinkedIn: Simon W.
Location: 英国 英格兰 Brandon
Current employer:
Automated Environmental Systems Ltd
Current title:
Managing Director
Last updated: 19/02/2024 06:48 AM
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Simon W is from 英国 英格兰 Brandon. Simon works in the following industries: "环保服务", "批发", and "工业设计/机械设计". Simon is currently Managing Director at Automated Environmental Systems Ltd, located in Suffolk. In Simon's previous role as a Field Sales Manager at Bosta UK Ltd., Simon worked in United Kingdom until Jul 2013. Prior to joining Bosta UK Ltd., Simon was a Pest Control Surveyor at Rentokil Initial2006年1月 - 2006年9月 and held the position of Pest Control Surveyor at East Anglia. Prior to that, Simon was a Sales Representative at Bosta UK Ltd., based in East of England from Jan 2002 to Dec 2005.

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Simon W's current jobs
Company: Automated Environmental Systems Ltd
Title: Managing Director
Period: Jul 2013 - Present (11 years, 5 months)
Location: Suffolk
Simon W's past jobs
Company: Bosta UK Ltd.
Title: Field Sales Manager
Period: Oct 2011 - Jul 2013 (1 year, 9 months)
Location: United Kingdom
Company: Rentokil Initial2006年1月 - 2006年9月
Title: Pest Control Surveyor
Period: Jan 2006 - Sep 2006 (8 months)
Location: East Anglia
Company: Bosta UK Ltd.
Title: Sales Representative
Period: Jan 2002 - Dec 2005 (3 years, 11 months)
Location: East of England
Simon W's education
County Upper School
Simon W's top skills
Sales Management Account Management
Simon W's Colleagues
Shell Palmer
Procurement & Expediting Manager
Brandon, England, United Kingdom
Oliver Pringle
Brandon, England, United Kingdom
Ric Forster
James Pringle
Service Manager
Brandon, England, United Kingdom
Kevin Gibbs Dip DigM
Digital Marketing Manager
Simon W has 12 colleagues in total at Automated Environmental Systems Ltd. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
Other people named Simon W
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London, England, United Kingdom
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R&D Engineer & Project Manager - Control of Electrical Machines and Power Electronic Systems
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