Sivakumar Vp

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Location: Bangalore Urban district, Karnataka, India
Current employer:
Well O Sip
Current title:
Founder & CEO
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:46 AM
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Sivakumar Vp is from Bangalore Urban district, Karnataka, India. Sivakumar is currently Founder & CEO at Well O Sip, located in Bengaluru, Karnataka, India. Sivakumar also works as Founder & CEO at Well O Sip, a job Sivakumar has held since May 2020.

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Sivakumar Vp's current jobs
Company: Well O Sip
Title: Founder & CEO
Period: May 2020 - Present (4 years, 8 months)
Location: Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

Provide consultancy to large corporate in analyzing their Employee Benefit insurance and provide a suitable plan design and wellness program that may reduce their insurance cost without compromising the employee satisfaction.

Company: Well O Sip
Title: Founder & CEO
Period: May 2020 - Present (4 years, 8 months)
Location: Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

I help big corporates to reduce their Health Insurance Premium by providing Wellness solution. In last 27+ years, I worked in Employee Benefits and in the last 10+ years I was handing health insurance consultancy. Corporates wants to reduce the cost on health Insurance because it was abnormally increasing the cost pressure on the employer. On an average we see a 15–25% jump in the claims irrespective of the controlling measures in a corporate health insurance premium year on year (YOY). When i dig deep into the claims, we find that Non-Communicable Disease (NCDs) are incurring cost to the corporates. After a long brain storming session I have arrived that the "Lifestyle" is one of the main concerns for this problem. I conducted wellness programs around the lifestyle changes like lungs care, Cancer Awareness session, so on and so forth but the result is not achieved. I come across with so much of reasoning saying that "We don't have time!", "Work Life balance", "Stress, anxiety, sleeplessness" etc. One day I have come across with the verses from Upanishad where ancient father teaches his son like this "O Soumya (son), the mind is nourished by food, prana by water and speech by fire". These verses helped me to turn towards traditional way to find solution. I have gone through traditional books and understood that the food that we are taking, water that we are drinking & air that we are inhaling are the basics of our health. If we can correct these, we can have a healthy life, live longer, and attain what we have been for in this world. I have started practicing these in my personal life and the results are amazing. Then I thought that why can't I tell the same to the public for their wellbeing. This gives birth of my company "Siva Wellness" where we will be discussion on Physical, Environmental, Financial, Occupational, Emotional, Spiritual, Social & Intellectual wellnesses. Welcome to

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