Sofia Lombardi Lavaggi

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Email: ****
Location: United States
Current employer:
Viani Milano
Current title:
Founder and Designer
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:34 AM
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Sofia Lombardi Lavaggi is from United States. Sofia Lombardi is currently Founder and Designer at Viani Milano. In Sofia Lombardi's previous role as a Designer and General Assistant at Lombaggi Knitwear, Inc., Sofia Lombardi worked in until Sep 2019.

Sofia Lombardi Lavaggi can be found on, where members can access Sofia Lombardi Lavaggi's email for free. Finalscout is a professional database with more than 500 million business professional profiles and 200 million company profiles.

Sofia Lombardi Lavaggi's current jobs
Company: Viani Milano
Title: Founder and Designer
Period: Jun 2020 - Present (4 years, 7 months)

-Founded and created a handmade friulane slipper footwear brand -Designed color combinations for the seasonal collections -Conducted material, supplier, and manufacturer research -Created linesheets and lookbooks digitally -Participated in a variety trunk shows in the US and internationally on a weekly basis -Created E-Commerce website and driven online / in person sales -Created social media and content imagery

Sofia Lombardi Lavaggi's past jobs
Company: Lombaggi Knitwear, Inc.
Title: Designer and General Assistant
Period: Jan 2010 - Sep 2019 (9 years, 8 months)
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