Sonia Regola

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Location: Milan, Lombardy, Italy
Current employer: MT&C Srl
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Last updated: 22/02/2024 12:14 PM
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Sonia Regola is from Milan, Lombardy, Italy. Sonia is currently CEO at MT&C Srl. Sonia also works as CEO at MT&C Srl, a job Sonia has held since Jan 1995.

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Sonia Regola's current jobs
Company: MT&C Srl
Title: CEO
Period: Jan 1995 - Present (30 years)

MT&C offre ai suoi Clienti, nuovi strumenti di analisi e di sviluppo per aumentare la consapevolezza del valore delle persone, per definire le reali necessità di sviluppo delle Risorse Umane, per rendere più efficienti i processi di selezione, di analisi del potenziale e di composizione dei migliori Team di Progetto. MT&C offre ai suoi Clienti, consulenza ed assistenza nei processi di formazione per aumentare la produttività dei percorsi di Training e Sviluppo e ottenere risultati superiori. MT&C offre ai suoi Clienti esperienze innovative e dinamiche di sviluppo e crescita delle Risorse Umane. MT&C é un attento osservatorio di Innovazione. Nascono dalla ricerca MT&C i percorsi attivi di miglioramento sul campo e le palestre cerebrali che utilizzano la metodologia Whole Brain. MT&C offre l’esperienza e l’affidabilità di progetti e percorsi di miglioramento in più di 500 aziende che garantiscono l’effettiva realizzazione di interventi qualificati e mirati secondo le reali esigenze dei propri interlocutori.

Company: MT&C Srl
Title: CEO
Period: Jan 1995 - Present (30 years)

Sonia Regola CEO MT&C Sonia, Italian origin, trained in Europe and America has a degree in Law with full marks. International Certification Hermann International: Sonia regola is a Coach and Trainer HBDI certified by the Hermann International Institute Paris: Hermann International is an American multinational, world leader in brain preference and is the copyright holder of the HBDI instrument (Hermann Brain Dominance Instrument ) which has been adopted by over 2 million people worldwide. TMI: Sonia regola is an international trainer certified by TMI ( Time Manager International ), a Danish company which is a market leader in Training and Education Knowhow and experience Sonia has made a continuous study of hidden potential in the human mind, linking management development to the most recent discoveries in Science and Medicine. She has focused this brain potential study to the behavior of individuals and work teams to maximize the benefits of diversity in this context. More than 57.000 people from more than 500 companies have been involved in her programs in her 23 year professional career of study, consulting , coaching and training. She is currently CEO of MT&C srl Milan ( that she founded in 1995. She is a strategic consultant to several important multinationals Her book " Discover how you are Unique" was published by Il Sole 24 in March 2012- 2004-2010 Sonia Trained several IBM managers and their team to increase productivity

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