Sophie L

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Email: ****@****.***
Location: Metro Manila
Current employer:
HF management Inc.
Current title:
CFO & Partner
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:46 AM
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Sophie L is from Metro Manila. Sophie is currently CFO & Partner at HF management Inc.. In Sophie's previous role as a China Finance Manager at GSE China, Sophie worked in until Feb 2009.

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Sophie L's current jobs
Company: HF management Inc.
Title: CFO & Partner
Period: Jan 2018 - Present (7 years)

1)Investment consulting and advisory 2)Investment & financing, local and international, cross-border funding and sydicated loan 3)Real estate sale/lease and assets managements 4)Marketing breeding and expanding service 5)Import & export 6)Cases: real estate, infrastructure, luxury hotel, E-commerce, Fintech, mobile payment, blockchain, big data, gaming, medicine, agriculture, logistics and distribution, resorts

Sophie L's past jobs
Company: GSE China
Title: China Finance Manager
Period: Feb 2005 - Feb 2009 (4 years)
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