Sri Basra

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Email: ****
Location: Greater Houston
Current employer: DXC Technology
Current title:
Associate Director - Office of the CIO
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:48 AM
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Sri Basra is from Greater Houston. Sri is currently Associate Director - Office of the CIO at DXC Technology, located in Ashburn, Virginia, United States.

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Sri Basra's current jobs
Company: DXC Technology
Title: Associate Director - Office of the CIO
Period: Apr 2017 - Present (7 years, 9 months)
Location: Ashburn, Virginia, United States

Responsible for IT Program/Portfolio Management, Service Management, Software Development, DevOps, IoT, Procurement and MADO initiatives. - Led global Big Data Analytics Adoption and roll-out in the US, Asia, Latin America and Europe. This helped establish centralised Data Lake which became foundations for enterprise wide reporting. - Head the organization through Agile & DevOps transformations. Delivered the management and operational oversight of the DevOps framework. Helped develop Agile teams within support organisations to develop user stories and establish Agile tracking systems to provide transparency on sprint backlogs. - As part of divestiture and merge initiative went through the process of application rationalisation and adapted transformation to Cloud and SaaS based solutions resulting in 40% footprint in physical Data Centre foot print. - Govern new mergers and acquisitions as part of Office of the CIO. - Annual financial planning, portfolio management and investment governance - Led and initiated continuous improvement initiatives to help improve key processes. - Work with finance to create and manage financial plans for the group - Inspire, mentor and develop team members - Drive organizational efficiency

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