Stacey Alvarez De La Campa BA Hons LLB

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Location: Bridgetown, Saint Michael, Barbados
Current employer: Self Employed
Current title:
Educational Consultant
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:59 AM
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Stacey Alvarez De La Campa BA Hons LLB is from Bridgetown, Saint Michael, Barbados. Stacey Alvarez is currently Educational Consultant at Self Employed, located in Satellite Beach, Florida, United States.

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Stacey Alvarez De La Campa BA Hons LLB's current jobs
Company: Self Employed
Title: Educational Consultant
Period: Sep 1999 - Present (25 years, 4 months)
Location: Satellite Beach, Florida, United States

Design lesson plans, course curricula, and assessment tools to cater to a wide variety of learning styles. Create and implement innovative classroom management techniques to facilitate optimal student engagement, and facilitate the progress of students with learning challenges such as ADHD, Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, and Auditory Processing Disorder.

Stacey Alvarez De La Campa BA Hons LLB's Colleagues
Kourosh Salehi
Construction Consultant- Independent Contractor
Satellite Beach, Florida, United States
Peter Goulding
Supply Chain Consultant
Satellite Beach, Florida, United States
Joseph Yeh 🖤💛🤎
Head of Talent and People, Talent Advisor, Recruiter
Satellite Beach, Florida, United States
Gary Sturtz
Senior Commercial Loan Officer/ Relationship Manager
Satellite Beach, Florida, United States
Guy Efrati
| Technology Advisor |Tech marketing |B2B sales
Satellite Beach, Florida, United States
Stacey Alvarez De La Campa BA Hons LLB has 490K+ colleagues in total at Self Employed. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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