Stefanie Boyer Ph D

Professor @Bryant University / Co-founder @RNMKRS / Forbes #NEXT1000 /TEDx Speaker / Author / Director of NISC / Sales Trainer / Fitness Geek
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Location: Greater Boston
Current employer:
Fierce Education
Current title:
Advisory Board Member
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:05 AM
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Stefanie Boyer Ph D is from Greater Boston. Stefanie works in the following industries: "Professional Training & Coaching". Stefanie is currently Advisory Board Member at Fierce Education. Stefanie also works as Professor Of Marketing at Bryant University, a job Stefanie has held since Aug 2020. Another title Stefanie currently holds is Co-Founder at RNMKRS. In Stefanie's previous role as a Associate Professor of Marketing at Bryant University, Stefanie worked in until Aug 2020. Prior to joining Bryant University, Stefanie was a Assistant Professor of Marketing at Bryant University and held the position of Assistant Professor of Marketing at Greater Boston Area. Prior to that, Stefanie was a Ph.D. Student, Graduate Researcher/ Instructor at University of South Florida, based in Tampa/St. Petersburg, Florida Area from Aug 2002 to Aug 2009.

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Stefanie Boyer Ph D's current jobs
Company: Fierce Education
Title: Advisory Board Member
Period: Aug 2021 - Present (3 years, 5 months)

Fierce Education Advisory Board Member

Company: Bryant University
Title: Professor Of Marketing
Period: Aug 2020 - Present (4 years, 5 months)
Location: Greater Boston Area

At Bryant University, I teach Marketing and Sales, head up the Northeast Intercollegiate Sales Competition, and coach on sales, social media, social selling, performance and sales analytics, executive presence, mental agility and design thinking. My research interests are similar and include a recent book publication with one of my best friends and colleagues, called The Little Black Book of Social Media: Strategies to Ignite Your Business, Influencer and Professional Brand. Collaborating with colleagues is a true joy of academia. I work with a diverse group of faculty, employers and students in the RNMKRS Faculty, Student and Employer Alliance to create innovative technology solutions with the goal of elevating the sales profession, reducing socioeconomic gaps and eliminating bias in training, assessing and developing sales talent. It is exciting where AI and analytics will take the future of sales. Oh yes, I love coffee! If you want to share ideas, let's grab a cup and discuss.

Company: RNMKRS
Title: Co-Founder
Period: Nov 2018 - Present (6 years, 2 months)
Location: Greater New York City Area

Artificially intelligent content and machine learning present a powerful new opportunity for highly engaging learning and development.'s patent-pending technology simulates non-scripted interactions between individuals and provides the practice, bias-free feedback and scoring trainees need to improve.

Stefanie Boyer Ph D's past jobs
Company: Bryant University
Title: Associate Professor of Marketing
Period: Aug 2015 - Aug 2020 (5 years)

Teach Professional Selling, Sales Management, Design Thinking, Sustainability Marketing and Marketing Foundations, at the undergraduate level. Teach Selling and Sales Management in the part-time M.B.A. Program. Research concentration includes sales training and development effectiveness, performance improvement, self-directed learning, adaptive selling and sales leadership. Sales team coach, Director of the Northeast Intercollegiate Sales Competition, Creativity and Innovation Fellow.

Company: Bryant University
Title: Assistant Professor of Marketing
Period: Aug 2009 - Jul 2015 (5 years, 11 months)
Location: Greater Boston Area

Teach in the College of Business for graduate and undergraduate programs with an emphasis on new business development and sales leadership. Developed sales minor in 2013. Developed the Northeast Intercollegiate Sales Competition in 2012, connecting the top students and universities in the northeast. Research emphasis on sales training performance and learning improvement. Publications in Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Marketing Education, Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, Marketing Management Journal, International Journal of Education Research, International Journal of Self-Directed Learning, Academy of Marketing Studies Journal, International Journal of Social Media and Interactive Learning, Journal of Marketing Channels, International Journal of Business Innovation Research.

Title: Ph.D. Student, Graduate Researcher/ Instructor
Period: Aug 2002 - Aug 2009 (7 years)
Location: Tampa/St. Petersburg, Florida Area

Teach Personal Selling, Promotions Management and Introduction to Marketing. Teaching assistant for Introduction to Management lecture course. Research on self-directed learning, sales training effectiveness and improving sales performance. Received M.B.A. with an emphasis in Marketing, Finance and International Studies. Received Ph.D. in Business Marketing with emphasis in Industrial and Organizational Psychology and Methodology

Stefanie Boyer Ph D's education
University of South Florida
2004 - 2009
University of South Florida
Master of Business Administration - MBA
2002 - 2004
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