Stephane Vigier

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Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:02 AM
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Stephane Vigier is from Greater Paris Metropolitan Region. Stephane is currently CEO at EMBELIA, located in Charenton-le-Pont, Île-de-France, France.

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Stephane Vigier's current jobs
Company: EMBELIA
Title: CEO
Period: Apr 2014 - Present (10 years, 11 months)
Location: Charenton-le-Pont, Île-de-France, France

Notre métier est de concevoir et distribuer des solutions de packaging primaire, standards ou personnalisées, multi-matériaux et full service (flacons, accessoires, parachèvement) à destination notamment des acteurs de l' Industrie Pharmaceutique, de la Parfumerie et de la Cosmétique en France et à l’international. EMBELIA designs, develops and markets primary packaging solutions comprised of stock bottles and of decorations and accessories. Grouped together in specialised catalogues for Pharma, Industry and Fragrance & Cosmetics, our solutions cover all the materials conventionally used in packaging: glass, plastic and aluminium.

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