Stephen Shloss CFP Financial and Real Estate Strategist

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Location: Orange County, California, United States
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Castle Financial - CFP®
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Last updated: 28/09/2023 08:42 AM
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Stephen Shloss CFP Financial and Real Estate Strategist is from Orange County, California, United States. Stephen is currently President at Castle Financial - CFP®. Stephen also works as President - Real Estate and Investments at Castle Real Estate Group, a job Stephen has held since Aug 2007.

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Stephen Shloss CFP Financial and Real Estate Strategist's current jobs
Company: Castle Financial - CFP®
Title: President
Period: Jan 2011 - Present (14 years)

We provide comprehensive Financial Planning, focusing on creating detailed strategies which address the 6 key areas of your personal or business' financial life: Financial Position, Protection Planning - Risk Management , Wealth Accumulation , Tax Strategies, Retirement Planning and Estate Planning.

Company: Castle Real Estate Group
Title: President - Real Estate and Investments
Period: Aug 2007 - Present (17 years, 5 months)
Location: Mission Viejo, California, United States

The Castle Real Estate Group is a residential and Commercial Brokerage. When you work with us - we treat you as a partner, working side by side with you to make the selling or purchase trasaction smooth and equitable. My specialty is working with investors who want to purchase or sell investment properties, utilize tax deferred exchanges (1031 tax deferred exchanges) or incorporate real estate into their financial picture. I help my clients analyze the tax benefits, cash flow of the investment, balance sheets and determine what is best suited for their needs. Vacation Rental - Unique Properties *2-4 Unit Investment Property *Multi-family Investment Property (5+ Units) *1031 - Tax Deferred Exchanges Commercial Single Tenant Investment

Stephen Shloss CFP Financial and Real Estate Strategist's Colleagues
Albo J Antenucci Jr
Stephen Shloss CFP Financial and Real Estate Strategist has 1 colleagues in total at Castle Real Estate Group. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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