Steve Bobzin Ph D

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Location: San Francisco Bay Area
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Technical Executive Consulting
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Last updated: 02/05/2024 03:57 AM
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Steve Bobzin Ph D is from San Francisco Bay Area. Steve is currently Principal at Technical Executive Consulting.

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Steve Bobzin Ph D's current jobs
Company: Technical Executive Consulting
Title: Principal
Period: Jan 2014 - Present (11 years)

-- Conducted due diligence assessment for the acquisition of an analytical chemistry lab. Developed strategic growth plan for expansion of services, facilities, and business post-acquisition. -- Advised large Cannabis MSO on scientific strategy and structure for R&D, Breeding, and Product Development. Developed plan for efficient integration of assets and programs across several states. -- Initiated business development for a human genomics company seeking to develop corporate partnerships in the area of nutrigenomics. Engaged Fortune 100 companies in the food, beverage, and nutrition industries to pitch company and business opportunities. -- Advised CEOs of separation science and 3D-printing companies on intellectual property and business development strategies

Steve Bobzin Ph D's Colleagues
Allan Tagg
VP - Information Technology
California, United States
Aaron Ferguson
Vice President, Agriculture Operations
California, United States
John De Friel
Founder, CEO
Anthony O'Brien
Product Manager
California, United States
Jessie Stein
Digital Marketing Manager
California, United States
Steve Bobzin Ph D has 154 colleagues in total at Central Coast Agriculture, Inc.. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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