Steve Crom

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Email: ****
Location: Stadt Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
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Chairman & Partner
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:46 AM
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Steve Crom is from Stadt Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany. Steve is currently Chairman & Partner at OXYGY, located in Clerkenwell, England, United Kingdom.

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Steve Crom's current jobs
Company: OXYGY
Title: Chairman & Partner
Period: Nov 2019 - Present (5 years, 2 months)
Location: Clerkenwell, England, United Kingdom

OXYGY (formerly Valeocon/Baseline) is the consulting arm of Bird & Bird, an international law firm with 150 years of history, which has earned a first-class reputation advising global businesses. In today’s changing business landscape, OXYGY collaborates with clients, deploying tools and capabilities to succeed, not just now, but in the future. We combine management consultancy, digital innovation and legal expertise to create fit-for purpose solutions – for business results that last. Our vision is to help organizations turn risks and opportunities into impactful, sustainable solutions to support their ambitions for growth. We want to be recognized for bringing together exceptional business advisors, to deliver market-leading solutions that generate sustainable value, empowering companies of the future.

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