Steve Hasiotis
Steve Hasiotis is from Lawrence, Kansas, United States. Steve is currently Professor of Geology at University of Kansas, located in Lawrence, Kansas, United States.
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Steve Hasiotis's current jobs
Paleontological research with emphasis in integrative Ichnology as applied to paleoenvironmental, paleopedological, sedimentological, stratigraphic, and sequence stratigraphic analyses. Teach courses in historical geology, invertebrate paleontology, Ichnology, paleosols, paleoenvironment reconstruction, and critical evaluation of scientific publications and technical writing. Have taught introduction to field camp. Active with colleagues teaching field courses, short courses, and core workshops in ichnology, integrated ichnology-sedimentology-stratigraphy, recognition of paleosols in outcrop and core, and paleoenvironmental interpretation and reconstruction of environments of deposition in outcrop and core.