Steve Hazelton

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Location: Boise, Idaho, United States
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Chief Executive Officer
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:46 AM
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Steve Hazelton is from Boise, Idaho, United States. Steve is currently Chief Executive Officer at SturdyAI, located in Portland, Oregon, United States. In Steve's previous role as a Chief Executive Officer, Founder at Newton Software, Steve worked in until Dec 2015. Prior to joining Newton Software, Steve was a Chief Executive Officer, Founder at Gravity Technologies, Inc. and held the position of Chief Executive Officer, Founder.

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Steve Hazelton's current jobs
Company: SturdyAI
Title: Chief Executive Officer
Period: Jan 2020 - Present (5 years)
Location: Portland, Oregon, United States

By using AI to sense signals in user language we allow B2B companies to systematically route critical user-relationship events to the teams, systems, and people that need them the most. For example, our customers can recognize, log and escalate every time a customer reports a bug, asks about a renewal, expresses frustration, asks to cancel, asks to upgrade, etc. We collect user language directly from Salesforce, ticket systems like Zendesk and ServiceNow, and email from Gmail and 0365. This is gathered directly via one-click integrations over API, without plugins, BCC addresses, or forwarding. If your CEO says things like, "Every time a customer requests a copy of their contract, I want to know about it", or "We need to double our references" then you should talk to us. We are the only company that can fulfill this wish without forcing manual labor onto your CS and Support Teams.

Steve Hazelton's past jobs
Company: Newton Software
Title: Chief Executive Officer, Founder
Period: Jan 2009 - Dec 2015 (6 years, 11 months)
Company: Gravity Technologies, Inc.
Title: Chief Executive Officer, Founder
Period: May 1998 - Nov 2008 (10 years, 6 months)
Steve Hazelton's Colleagues
Alex Atkins
Marketing Director
Portland, Oregon, United States
Joel Passen
Portland, Oregon, United States
Nathaniel Hazelton
Co-Founder and CTO
Portland, Oregon, United States
Debra Squyres
Portland, Oregon, United States
Britt Wirt
Chief Operating Officer
Portland, Oregon, United States
Steve Hazelton has 18 colleagues in total at SturdyAI. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
Other people named Steve Hazelton
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