Steve Kelly

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Location: Marbella, Andalusia, Spain
Current employer:
Sixth Wave Ventures
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Last updated: 22/03/2024 11:58 AM
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Steve Kelly is from Marbella, Andalusia, Spain. Steve is currently Partner at Sixth Wave Ventures, located in Leeds, England, United Kingdom.

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Steve Kelly's current jobs
Company: Sixth Wave Ventures
Title: Partner
Period: Jan 2022 - Present (3 years)
Location: Leeds, England, United Kingdom

Sixth Wave Ventures is an investment group and community of industry experts with big plans to disrupt and change the way startups tackling the world's fundamental problems are funded and supported at early-stage, all the way through to commercialisation. We are on a mission to give Deep Tech and Blue Economy startups in the UK better access to early-stage investment and expert NED's/mentors/advisors. We're a team of founders, investors and advisors who see a huge gap in the early-stage/seed-funding space between angels/groups and risk-averse VC’s. Our angel syndicate; Sixth Wave Angel Group is at the heart of a 4-way funding structure to catalyse co-investment amongst complementary investors/investor groups: 1) Sixth Wave Angel Group (backed 6 startups in 2023 to date) 2) Sixth Wave Fund (launching Q4 2023) 3) Sixth Wave Matched Funding 4) Sixth Wave Co-investor Network We have a vision of investing in/supporting 50+ startups with the potential to change the world we live in for the better.

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