Steven Slawson

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Email: ****
Location: Detroit Metropolitan Area
Current employer: Lordstown Motors Corporation
Current title:
Vice President of Purchasing and Supplier Qualification & Development
Last updated: 21/05/2023 23:59 PM
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Steven Slawson is from Detroit Metropolitan Area. Steven is currently Vice President of Purchasing and Supplier Qualification & Development at Lordstown Motors Corporation, located in Farmington, Michigan, United States.

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Steven Slawson's current jobs
Title: Vice President of Purchasing and Supplier Qualification & Development
Period: Mar 2020 - Present (4 years, 11 months)
Location: Farmington, Michigan, United States

Lordstown EV Corporation designs and manufactures electric vehicles that revolutionize the way work gets done. The vehicles we build reduce burdensome costs, provide functional style for today's job sites, and act as an extension of the worker—smarter, safer and more productive.

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