Subin Gu

Enterprise Project Engineer at AutomaTech, Inc.
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LinkedIn: Subin Gu
Location: Schenectady, New York, United States
Current employer: AutomaTech, Inc.
Current title:
Enterprise Project Engineer
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:01 AM
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Subin Gu is from Schenectady, New York, United States. Subin works in the following industries: "Industrial Automation". Subin is currently Enterprise Project Engineer at AutomaTech, Inc., located in Albany, New York Area. In Subin's previous role as a Lead Software Engineer at GE Intelligent Platforms, Subin worked in Albany, New York Area until Jul 2012. Prior to joining GE Intelligent Platforms, Subin was a Lead Software Engineer at GE Fanuc Intelligent Platforms, Inc. and held the position of Lead Software Engineer at Albany, New York Area. Prior to that, Subin was a Application Engineer at GE Fanuc Automation, Inc., based in Albany, New York Area from Aug 2001 to Nov 2007. Subin started working as Sr. Software Engineer at Commerce Technologies, Inc. in Clifton Park, NY in Oct 2000. From May 1999 to Oct 2000, Subin was Senior Analyst at InfoEd International, Inc., based in Guilderland, NY. Prior to that, Subin was a Graduate Assistant at Dept. of CIS, Robinson College of Business, Georgia State University, based in Atlanta, GA from Jun 1998 to May 1999.

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Subin Gu's current jobs
Company: AutomaTech, Inc.
Title: Enterprise Project Engineer
Period: Aug 2012 - Present (12 years, 5 months)
Location: Albany, New York Area
Subin Gu's past jobs
Company: GE Intelligent Platforms
Title: Lead Software Engineer
Period: Jan 2010 - Jul 2012 (2 years, 6 months)
Location: Albany, New York Area

• Designed and start implementing tighter security measures for Proficy SOA including certificate usage configuration, account lockout mechanism and password encryption. • Integrated the installers of the two core products GE IP offers, Proficy Plant Applications and Proficy SOA/Workflow. • Enhanced Proficy DataMart to provide more refined report ability, better control over ETL execution sequences and tighter integration with MMC and error handling.

Company: GE Fanuc Intelligent Platforms, Inc.
Title: Lead Software Engineer
Period: Nov 2007 - Dec 2009 (2 years, 1 month)
Location: Albany, New York Area

• Brought GRC’s analytical modules into Proficy SOA/Workflow world. Enhanced the power of Proficy SOA/Workflow and established long term collaboration with GRC to deliver analytic capabilities to other GE businesses. Received CEO's Growth Award for the work. • Added Web Services functionality to the Proficy SOA, filling the gap in our product. Received Engineer of the Year Team Award. • Involved in the design and development of Proficy Enterprise Manager and Proficy Open Enterprise. Gained expertise on ISA88 and ISA95 standards.

Company: GE Fanuc Automation, Inc.
Title: Application Engineer
Period: Aug 2001 - Nov 2007 (6 years, 3 months)
Location: Albany, New York Area

Solid software development and database knowledge and skills allowed me to contribute to the success of the projects as a key player in projects involving Nissan, GE Energy, Dell, KUKA, Haden, Lear Sweden, Intel and Novartis – just to name a few. • Nissan Canton, MS production plant project As the tech-lead, successfully managed a team of 3 engineers to design and implement major components in the PMCS Site-level system, including: - SQL Server PMCS databases - Communications to the Nissan's and its suppliers' order fulfillment systems - Interfaces to the PMCS Cell-level system - Printing management system that controls 40+ printers in the plant for all production related printing needs. - Reporting system that provides 50+ data-rich reports to users ranging from plant operators to company executives • Lear Sweden cockpit assembly facility project As the software development lead, managed and worked with a team of 3 contractors, within 3 month timeframe, to design and implement a brand new MES with GUI-based system configuration and control, as well as eye-catch real-time reporting capability.

Company: Commerce Technologies, Inc.
Title: Sr. Software Engineer
Period: Oct 2000 - Aug 2001 (10 months)
Location: Clifton Park, NY

Performed database administrative tasks on the company’s proprietary SQL Server database. Developed high performance stored procedures. Developed and enhanced modules and part of the web UIs in the state-of-the-art drop-shipment management system.

Company: InfoEd International, Inc.
Title: Senior Analyst
Period: May 1999 - Oct 2000 (1 year, 5 months)
Location: Guilderland, NY

Design and overhauled the existing Fox Pro based web application using the latest ASP and IIS technologies, greatly enhanced the capabilities of InfoEd's products, broadened its market and facilitated its growth.

Company: Dept. of CIS, Robinson College of Business, Georgia State University
Title: Graduate Assistant
Period: Jun 1998 - May 1999 (11 months)
Location: Atlanta, GA

Performed research on graphical Java programming under the direction of Dr. Carver, and assisted (even instructed occasionally) the two Java programming classes the professor was offering.

Subin Gu's education
1998 - 1999
1993 - 1997
Other people named Subin Gu
Subin Gu
Application Engineer
Plymouth, Massachusetts, United States
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