Sudhir Kaushik

(I am hiring) Head of Product, Fire TV 3P Products (Smart TVs, Sound Bars, Automobile Experiences) at Amazon
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LinkedIn: Sudhir Kaushik
Location: San Francisco Bay Area
Current employer: Amazon
Current title:
Head of Product, Fire TV 3P Products (Smart TVs, Sound Bars, Automobile Experiences)
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:01 AM
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Sudhir Kaushik is from San Francisco Bay Area. Sudhir is currently Head of Product, Fire TV 3P Products (Smart TVs, Sound Bars, Automobile Experiences) at Amazon.

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Sudhir Kaushik's current jobs
Company: Amazon
Title: Head of Product, Fire TV 3P Products (Smart TVs, Sound Bars, Automobile Experiences)
Sudhir Kaushik's education
- Alumni Relations Committee
2004 - 2007
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Master of Science (MS)
1996 - 1998
VJTI, University of Mumbai
Bachelor of Engineering
1992 - 1996
Sudhir Kaushik's top skills
Mobile Applications Big Data SaaS Online Advertising Product Management Enterprise Software Cross-functional Team Leadership Mobile Devices Monetization Strategy Go-to-market Strategy Hadoop Analytics Databases Agile Methodologies Social Media Cloud Computing Distributed Systems Start-ups Content Management
Sudhir Kaushik's Colleagues
Syed Irfan Ahmed
FBA Amazon Seller
Seattle, Washington, United States
Rene' Murata
Co-Author of International #1 Best Seller
Seattle, Washington, United States
Abhishek Bhalerao
Manager, Transportation Procurement & Strategy
Seattle, Washington, United States
Diego González
Chief Technology Officer, Book Depository an Amazon Company
Seattle, Washington, United States
Manuel Fischer
Director Amazon Operations IT EMEA
Seattle, Washington, United States
Sudhir Kaushik has 980K+ colleagues in total at Amazon. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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