Sue Lin

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Email: ****
Location: Oakland, California, United States
Current employer:
Moderne Eye Optometry
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Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:16 AM
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Sue Lin is from Oakland, California, United States. Sue is currently Optometrist at Moderne Eye Optometry. In Sue's previous role as a Senior Staff Optometrist at UC Davis Medical Center, Sue worked in until Jan 1993.

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Sue Lin's current jobs
Company: Moderne Eye Optometry
Title: Optometrist
Period: Jan 1993 - Present (32 years, 2 months)

Eye examination services to assess the health of the visual system and for the purpose of prescribing spectacles for distance, computer and near vision. Stereo and binocular vision assessments. Fitting and evaluation of eye health for contact lens wearers of multifocal, astigmatic, keratoconic, aphakic and gas permeable lens products. Diagnosis, treatment and management of eye conditions such as conjunctivitis, allergies, styes, dry eyes. Consultation and co-managment of LASIK and cataract surgeries. Licensed to diagnose, treat and manage glaucoma.

Sue Lin's past jobs
Title: Senior Staff Optometrist
Period: Jan 1991 - Jan 1993 (2 years)
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