Suki Sir

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Email: ****
Location: Oxnard, California, United States
Current employer:
Turning Point Foundation
Current title:
Fund Development and Marketing Manager
Last updated: 26/05/2023 22:17 PM
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Suki Sir is from Oxnard, California, United States. Suki is currently Fund Development and Marketing Manager at Turning Point Foundation, located in Ventura, California, United States.

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Suki Sir's current jobs
Company: Turning Point Foundation
Title: Fund Development and Marketing Manager
Period: Oct 2014 - Present (10 years, 3 months)
Location: Ventura, California, United States

Single-person department handling all aspects of fundraising managing large, 200, to more intimate 15 – 20 person “golden hours” with Executive Director, from designing invitations, following up with RSVPS, working with caterers, Managing the most successful fundraising event in Turning Point’s 28-year history and other high profile events including widely publicized ribbon cuttings at The Veterans Transitional Housing Program with Congresswoman Julia Brownley and new administrative offices on Thompson Blvd. in Ventura. Managed all donor portfolios and all aspects of the funding cycle Managed all fundraising and marketing activities including solicitation and collection of in-kind and cash donations to 10 programs throughout Ventura County. Worked with volunteers and organizations to create new fundraising events at Bombay Restaurant, Traveler's Cafe, Libbey Bowl and with Ventura Rotary South. Designed new website and implemented an active social media program Designed and implemented custom brochures for 10 programs Designed advertising and article for CAMFT newsletter Composed appeal letters and annual report Implemented visibility at La Colonia walk in Oxnard for outreach to the Hispanic and Mixtec population Literate in Word, Excel and E-tapestry Member of County Speak Toastmasters, Oxnard Rotary and Ventura County Master Gardeners

Suki Sir's Colleagues
Amanda Shields
Human Resources Manager
Ventura, California, United States
Jason Meek
Executive Director
Ventura, California, United States
Nicholas Deitch, Registered Architect
President, Volunteer and Board Member
Ventura, California, United States
Stefanie Navarro
Board Member
Ventura, California, United States
Jorge N. De León
Member Board of Directors
Ventura, California, United States
Suki Sir has 69 colleagues in total at Turning Point Foundation. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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suki sir
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