Sunart Buddawong

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Location: Bangkok, Bangkok City, Thailand
Current employer: Analog Devices
Current title:
Procurement Manager
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:51 AM
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Sunart Buddawong is from Bangkok, Bangkok City, Thailand. Sunart is currently Procurement Manager at Analog Devices, located in Wilmington, Massachusetts, United States. In Sunart's previous role as a Supply Chain Management at Celestica, Sunart worked in until Dec 2014.

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Sunart Buddawong's current jobs
Company: Analog Devices
Title: Procurement Manager
Period: Sep 2021 - Present (3 years, 4 months)
Location: Wilmington, Massachusetts, United States

•Responsible to establish standard processes, controls and metrics to monitor to ensure that standards are being utilized •Critical to centralizing procurement and driving long-term improvements •Provides leadership and project management to drive optimization, system enhancement, and change initiatives through to execution. •Ensure savings projections while minimizing and managing risks and issues. •Developing and managing the procurement function including setting targets and monitoring performance. •Plan coordinates and monitors all activities related to purchasing selects and negotiates. with original and new suppliers

Sunart Buddawong's past jobs
Company: Celestica
Title: Supply Chain Management
Period: May 2013 - Dec 2014 (1 year, 7 months)
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Sunart Buddawong
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