Suraindran Kamalakanan

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Email: ****
Location: Finland
Current employer: TogetherwithAI
Current title:
Chief Executive Officer
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:35 AM
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Suraindran Kamalakanan is from Finland. Suraindran is currently Chief Executive Officer at TogetherwithAI, located in Kuopio, Northern Savonia, Finland.

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Suraindran Kamalakanan's current jobs
Company: TogetherwithAI
Title: Chief Executive Officer
Period: Jan 2022 - Present (3 years)
Location: Kuopio, Northern Savonia, Finland

TogetherwithAI provides legal risk solutions and consultancy with regards to E.U proposals and directives for other AI and Tech software companies across Finland. We had been acknowledged and interviewed by CNBC media recently being the first company in Finland providing such services. We also will guide top American Tech companies to join the EU single market by promoting and lobbying for the right Tech policies which encourages innovation. We are planning to provide consultancy for government agencies, politicians and government contractors. TogetherwithAI office is based in Technopolis building in Kuopio. We will work with diverse stakeholders within private companies, the government and the European Union to identify and mitigate AI policy threats. We create strategies and manage our relationship with European policy and lawmakers. We are a regulatory affairs consultancy and we plan to built a solid lobbying experience in this specialized field of AI and Tech laws for Europe.

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