Susan Harrow

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Email: ****@****.***
Location: San Rafael, California, United States
Current employer: Harrow Communications Inc.
Current title:
Chief Executive Officer
Last updated: 21/07/2023 12:06 PM
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Susan Harrow is from San Rafael, California, United States. Susan is currently Chief Executive Officer at Harrow Communications Inc..

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Susan Harrow's current jobs
Title: Chief Executive Officer
Period: Jan 1990 - Present (35 years)

As the founder of Harrow Communications Inc., we’ve consulted for over 33 years with CEOs to celebrity chefs around the globe on a wide range of projects and trainings including: • Conducting communication skills training for executives to enhance their executive leadership presence and communication skills within their corporations—including improving virtual and in-person presentations for thousands of diverse employees internationally. • Presentation training for start-ups and founders to clearly establish their executive leadership presence, articulate their company’s value, originality, and unique space in the marketplace, then graciously field and answer challenging questions while maintaining their equanimity—to secure funding from seed to series C. • Media training New York Times best-selling authors for national book tours including national TV, radio, print and podcast appearances/interviews. • Developing executive presence for corporate leaders and to handle difficult clients, colleagues, employees and upper management. • Drafting and polishing presentations for international keynotes and virtual events for established and emerging companies. • Creating courses (taken by thousands) for successfully creating publicity campaigns that includes strong strategic message development and delivery. • Presenting keynote speeches and workshops at a wide variety of industry and creative conferences. Book your FREE 15 minute consult here:

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