Suzi Godson

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Location: London, England, United Kingdom
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Co-CEO, Founder
Last updated: 12/10/2023 17:35 PM
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Suzi Godson is from London, England, United Kingdom. Suzi is currently Co-CEO, Founder at Tellmi, located in Waterloo, England, United Kingdom.

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Suzi Godson's current jobs
Company: Tellmi
Title: Co-CEO, Founder
Period: Sep 2015 - Present (9 years, 4 months)
Location: Waterloo, England, United Kingdom

Tellmi is the only 100% pre-moderated, anonymous, age banded, peer support and psychoeducation app that is safe for young people aged 11+. The app has been independently evaluated and is evidenced to improve mental health in young people (Ravaccia, 2022). Tellmi has supported 75,000+ young people and is commissioned by the NHS. Tellmi is successfully supporting some of the most vulnerable young people in the UK: 48% of Tellmi users are LGBTQ+, 23% are black or minoritised ethnic, 16% are autistic and 4% are living in care. Tellmi integrates a comprehensive support directory with a diverse range of crisis and specialist support as well as psychosocial education to enable the user to manage their own wellbeing. Tellmi provides the NHS, schools and universities with access to anonymised and aggregated data which allows them to monitor mental health and improve service provision.

Suzi Godson's Colleagues
Emma F.
Growth Marketing Manager
Waterloo, England, United Kingdom
Kerstyn Comley
Co Founder
Waterloo, England, United Kingdom
Juliet Sharkey
User Growth Marketing Exec
Waterloo, England, United Kingdom
Ben Allen
Product Owner
Waterloo, England, United Kingdom
Yolinda Jansen
Mental Health Clinician
Waterloo, England, United Kingdom
Suzi Godson has 42 colleagues in total at MeeTwo Education Ltd. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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