Sven Rosenbeiger

Vice President and General Manager bei Freudenberg Medical
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LinkedIn: Sven Rosenbeiger
Location: United States
Current employer: Freudenberg Medical
Current title:
Vice President and General Manager
Last updated: 21/05/2023 23:55 PM
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Sven Rosenbeiger is from United States. Sven works in the following industries: "Medical Device". Sven is currently Vice President and General Manager at Freudenberg Medical, located in Baldwin Park. Sven also works as Geschäftsführer at Freudenberg Medical Europe GmbH, a job Sven has held since Jan 2014. In Sven's previous role as a Technical Director at PARI GmbH, Sven worked in Starnberg until Dec 2013. Prior to joining PARI GmbH, Sven was a R&D Manager PPE at Draeger Safety and held the position of R&D Manager PPE.

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Sven Rosenbeiger's current jobs
Title: Vice President and General Manager
Period: Oct 2017 - Present (7 years, 2 months)
Location: Baldwin Park
Company: Freudenberg Medical Europe GmbH
Title: Geschäftsführer
Period: Jan 2014 - Present (10 years, 11 months)
Location: Kaiserslautern
Sven Rosenbeiger's past jobs
Company: PARI GmbH
Title: Technical Director
Period: Oct 1999 - Dec 2013 (14 years, 2 months)
Location: Starnberg
Company: Draeger Safety
Title: R&D Manager PPE
Period: Apr 2006 - Oct 2006 (6 months)
Sven Rosenbeiger's education
Dipl Ing.
1993 - 1997
Sven Rosenbeiger's top skills
R&D Mechanical Engineering Business Development Ingenieurwissenschaften Robotics Produktentwicklung Unternehmensführung Six Sigma Simulations Fertigung Strategische Planung Engineering Projektmanagement Automation Produkteinführung Medizinprodukte Forschung und Entwicklung
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