Sybille Petersohn

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Email: ****n@daiichi-sankyo.de
Location: Greater Munich Metropolitan Area
Current title:
Commercial Director
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:19 AM
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Sybille Petersohn is from Greater Munich Metropolitan Area. Sybille is currently Commercial Director at Daiichi Sankyo Deutschland GmbH, located in Munich, Bavaria, Germany.

You can find Sybille Petersohn's email on finalScout.com. FinalScout is a popular professional database with more than 500 million business professionals and over 200 million company profiles.

Sybille Petersohn's current jobs
Title: Commercial Director
Period: Apr 2019 - Present (5 years, 9 months)
Location: Munich, Bavaria, Germany

Directly Responsible for Marketing, Digital, Communications, Training and Event management and strong cooperation with Medical, Market access and Sales Intensify growth of LIXIANA® (NOAC) and Launch of Nilemdo® / Nustendi®, a new lipid-lowering drug in November 2020. Lead Project „Customer Centric Organization“ and development of a Content Strategy and Marketing Lead Project „Omnichannel Project and Advanced Analytics “ Leading Integration and Implementation of Agile marketing in the organization Leading the Operational Management Committee (x-functional Leadership committee with Marketing, Sales, Market Access, Medical, Legal and Finance) >Continuous growth of LIXIANA in Sales and Market Share (6th year after launch, LIXIANA has entered the market as the fourth product (NOAC) >Highly successful Launch of Nilemdo/ Nustendi during pandemic: 105% above budget >Turnaround of a negative Net Promoter Score for the company from -4 to +14 2019 vs. 2021), in the core target group cardiologists from -2 to +10, GP’s from +6 to +30. >Implementation of a structured Content Marketing and Content Marketing System (Scompler)

Sybille Petersohn's Colleagues
Marco Schneider
Statl. geprüfter Pharmareferent
Munich, Bavaria, Germany
Anastasios Goudoulakis
Director Commercial Excellence and Operations
Munich, Bavaria, Germany
Dr. Maximilian Hahn
Customer Experience Excellence Director
Munich, Bavaria, Germany
Benoit Creveau
General Manager Germany & Head of Specialty Medicines
Munich, Bavaria, Germany
Dr. Frank Schneider
Commercial Director Oncology
Munich, Bavaria, Germany
Sybille Petersohn has 217 colleagues in total at Daiichi Sankyo Deutschland GmbH. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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