Tabo Gagela

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Email: ****@****.***
Location: City of Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa
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Business Owner, Entrepreneur
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:23 AM
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Tabo Gagela is from City of Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa. Tabo is currently Business Owner, Entrepreneur at SIIWISSA Pty Ltd.

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Tabo Gagela's current jobs
Company: SIIWISSA Pty Ltd
Title: Business Owner, Entrepreneur
Period: Jan 2015 - Present (10 years, 1 month)

CURRENT JOB INVOLVEMENT COMPANY: SIIWISSA Pty Ltd POSITION: Business Owner SERVICES FIELD SALES OFFERINGS Sales Cycle Compliance and Management as per cycle briefs. Products: Manage the OSA, Out of Stock products. Price: Advise price compliance Pack: Advise and handle Innovations as per cycle briefs Place: Handle Shelf Health Promotions: Handle promotion compliance Proposition: Handle point of sales compliance. MARKETING OFFERINGS Implementations of brand material, Conference material, sponsorships, exhibitions, drawing marketing plans, marketing strategy, leveraging off sponsorships, marketing and network presentations, clients advertisements, worksite marketing, corporate image. BRAND MANAGEMENT OFFERINGS Handle brand positioning, brand pricing, brand market entry, brand innovations, brand route to market, brand in-store marketing and merchandising. MENTORSHIP AND COACHING OFFERINGS Field sales mentorship and coaching. Marketing Strategy mentorship and coaching. Store marchandising mentorship and coaching. MARKETING COMMUNICATION OFFERINGS Below the line Advertising

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