Talha Baig

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Email: ****b@manchester.ac.uk
Location: Manchester Area, United Kingdom
Current employer: The University of Manchester
Current title:
Research Intern
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:19 AM
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Talha Baig is from Manchester Area, United Kingdom. Talha is currently Research Intern at The University of Manchester, located in Manchester, England, United Kingdom.

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Talha Baig's current jobs
Title: Research Intern
Period: Jul 2022 - Present (2 years, 5 months)
Location: Manchester, England, United Kingdom

I was lucky enough to Accompany Professor Kennaugh from The Department of Mechanical And Aerospace Engineering in hid CFD research on Turbine Flow and Aerofoils where I worked with him on one of The Department's largest Subsonic Wind Tunnels Helped for a series of tasks including to analyse an aircraft wing on a subsonic wind tunnel coupled with a Pitot static tube and a pressure sensor connected to top and bottom of the root chord of the main wing with NACA 1001 aerofoil configuration. 2. Used an automated code on Lab View for performing tasks on the wind tunnel to locate high and low pressure regions on the aerofoil and calculate the Lift force at 0 Angle of Attack

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