Tammy Soh

Procurement Manager at Suntory Beverage & Food Malaysia
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Email: ****h@suntory.com
LinkedIn: Tammy Soh
Location: Maleisiƫ
Current title:
Procurement Manager
Last updated: 21/05/2024 15:06 PM
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Tammy Soh is from Maleisiƫ. Tammy works in the following industries: "Food and Beverage Services". Tammy is currently Procurement Manager at Suntory Beverage & Food Malaysia. In Tammy's previous role as a RB at RB, Tammy worked in until Aug 2018. Prior to joining RB, Tammy was a Procurement Executive at F&N Beverages (M) Sdn Bhd and held the position of Procurement Executive.

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Tammy Soh's current jobs
Title: Procurement Manager
Period: Apr 2019 - Present (5 years, 3 months)
Tammy Soh's past jobs
Company: RB
Title: RB
Period: Jan 2018 - Aug 2018 (7 months)
Company: F&N Beverages (M) Sdn Bhd
Title: Procurement Executive
Period: Aug 2007 - May 2011 (3 years, 9 months)
Tammy Soh's education
University of Malaya
Bachelor Degree of Business Administration
2004 - 2007
Tammy Soh's top skills
Procurement Supply Management
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