Tanay Nerurkar

Staff Manufacturing Engineer at Tesla
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LinkedIn: Tanay Nerurkar
Location: San Francisco Bay Area
Current employer: Tesla
Current title:
Staff Manufacturing Engineer
Last updated: 23/06/2023 15:34 PM
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Tanay Nerurkar is from San Francisco Bay Area. Tanay is currently Staff Manufacturing Engineer at Tesla, located in Austin, Texas, United States.

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Tanay Nerurkar's current jobs
Company: Tesla
Title: Staff Manufacturing Engineer
Period: Mar 2021 - Present (3 years, 9 months)
Location: Austin, Texas, United States

Contributed to the following programs: - Model 3 Body in White Prototype Builds - Model 3 Exteriors Fit and Finish Improvements - Model 3 Closures in White Manufacturing Ramp-Fremont, CA - Model 3 Closures in White Manufacturing Process Design, Equipment Installation, Equipment Commissioning, and Initial Ramp - Gigafactory Shanghai, China - Tesla Semi Truck Body Structures Product and Process Development

Tanay Nerurkar's education
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Master's Degree
2015 - 2016
University of Michigan
Bachelor's degree
2011 - 2015
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