Tanisha Askew Gingerich

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Location: Haslet, Texas, United States
Current employer: Craniums Learning Center, LLC
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Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:19 AM
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Tanisha Askew Gingerich is from Haslet, Texas, United States. Tanisha is currently CEO at Craniums Learning Center, LLC, located in Azle, Texas, United States.

You can find Tanisha Askew Gingerich's email at FinalScout is a professional database with business professional profiles and company profiles.

Tanisha Askew Gingerich's current jobs
Title: CEO
Period: Oct 2018 - Present (6 years, 3 months)
Location: Azle, Texas, United States

Educating the minds of our youth pre-k thru 12th grade. We are a tutoring center dedicated to providing high-quality, individualized tutoring that is catered to designing a curriculum to your student's learning style. We specialize in dyslexia, dysphagia, and other common childhood developmental concerns. We hire only certified teachers, with extensive experience to help create a fun learning environment. •CEO of a growing start-up tutoring business in a rural community. • Responsible for hiring, verifying information, and employing highly-skilled teachers and staff. • Experience designing effective marketing to drive sustainable growth and targeted pricing for current market space. • Experience with growing a niche market space and maintaining positive revenue growth over 3 years. •Growth of greater than 178% in one year. • Responsible for managing 20+ employees. •Successfully marketed and grown business via social media, through google, web development, and other outlets that have resulted in increase positive trending sales.

Tanisha Askew Gingerich's Colleagues
Susan Sutherland
Program Director
Amy Nichols
Art Tutor
Galilea Porras
Administrative Assistant
Azle, Texas, United States
Bobbi Chrysler
Math Tutor
Azle, Texas, United States
Tanisha Askew Gingerich has 4 colleagues in total at Craniums Learning Center, LLC. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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