Tapajyoti Tukan Das

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Email: ****
Location: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Current employer:
LeadSift (a Foundry company)
Current title:
CEO / Co-founder
Last updated: 04/06/2024 08:08 AM
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Tapajyoti Tukan Das is from Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. Tapajyoti is currently CEO / Co-founder at LeadSift (a Foundry company), located in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.

You can find Tapajyoti Tukan Das's email at FinalScout is a professional database with business professional profiles and company profiles.

Tapajyoti Tukan Das's current jobs
Company: LeadSift (a Foundry company)
Title: CEO / Co-founder
Period: Mar 2012 - Present (12 years, 10 months)
Location: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

At LeadSift our mission is to mine Intelligence from Unstructured Public Web Data to help Organizations better engage their Customers. For B2B technology companies - at any given time less than 25% of your Total Addressable Market is actively looking to buy your product/services. LeadSift helps you identify and prioritize these accounts and prospects by mining for signals of interest and intent across the Public Web We have already helped some of the savviest technology companies like: MuleSoft, Vidyard, Looker, InsightSquared, Skyword, VMWare, ShowPad, IBM etc. identify the next best accounts to engage with using Behavioral Intent Data.

Tapajyoti Tukan Das's Colleagues
Sreejata Chatterjee
Co-Founder & Chief of Product at LeadSift.
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Hatem Nassrat
Chief Technology Officer
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Kundan Kumar
Lead Software Engineer
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Jessica Laird
Customer Success Ops Manager
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Craig Oldford
Software Developer
Tapajyoti Tukan Das has 12 colleagues in total at LeadSift. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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