Tara K

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Email: ****
Location: Joplin, Missouri, United States
Current employer: Trinity Social Advantage LLC
Current title:
Founding CEO, Marketing Director
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:33 AM
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Tara K is from Joplin, Missouri, United States. Tara is currently Founding CEO, Marketing Director at Trinity Social Advantage LLC, located in Joplin, Missouri, United States.

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Tara K's current jobs
Title: Founding CEO, Marketing Director
Period: Jul 2017 - Present (7 years, 6 months)
Location: Joplin, Missouri, United States

- Created, implemented, and scaled successful lead generation and e-commerce digital ad campaigns via Facebook and Google Ad platforms both internally and externally - for our clients and contract jobs locally, nationally, and internationally - Provided coaching services for businesses to grow and develop their marketing, sales, and personal growth skills - Supervised performance of workers with goals of improving productivity, efficiency and cost savings. - Developed marketing and advertising strategies to generate consistently profitable leads and sales for businesses - Managed, monitored, improved and maintained social media content and ads for clients, keeping them ahead of the curve - Performed copywriting services for multiple digital advertising agencies around the world - Produced and implemented editorial plans for business social media pages - Executed updated marketing plans to increase branding exposure, customer traffic and sales. - Mentored marketing personnel on best practices and protocols to maximize productivity.

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