Ted Buchan

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Email: ****n@seek.com.au
Location: Greater Melbourne Area
Current employer: SEEK
Current title:
Senior Service Reliability Engineer
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:48 AM
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Ted Buchan is from Greater Melbourne Area. Ted is currently Senior Service Reliability Engineer at SEEK, located in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

Ted Buchan's contact information is available for free on finalscout.com, a web-based professional networking database with more than 500 million business contacts and 200 million company profiles.

Ted Buchan's current jobs
Company: SEEK
Title: Senior Service Reliability Engineer
Period: Mar 2019 - Present (5 years, 10 months)
Location: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

PagerDuty Owner for the business, implementing Services, Custom and out of the box integrations for business wide monitoring, alerts and support. Focus on business Tech Health and Service Reliability. Implementation of SRO, SLI and Error Budgets for front end teams. PRTG for monitoring production systems and infrastructure (physical, virtual and cloud). Pipeline as Code - docker based, auto scaling build environments using BuildKite. Pipeline support for continuous deployment with Serverless, PowerShell SAM, AWS Cloudformation and Terraform Automation of production systems with PowerShell 5.1 and 6.x (Core) Build, support and scale out of Amazon Web Services PaaS and IaaS solutions, including: - EC2 ASG Windows and Linux servers - Scalable Fargate runtime cluster implementation on ECS - NGINX Ingress and HA proxy solutions - S3 backed staticsites & CloudFront CDN - IAM policies, users, SCP, etc. - Lambda (nodejs, python3) deploy using serverless framework - Lambda (Dotnet Core & PowerShell Core) deploy using AWS SAM - SNS topics for multiple subscriptions and PagerDuty integration - Event driven solutions with Lambda, S3, SNS and ECS - Route 53 DNS management, including ACM and automatic cert. management - Cloudformation deployment (YAML and JSON), including Org wide Stack Sets - Extensive aws cli (bash) and PowerShell SDK automation - AWS Athena utilisation for DataLake queries

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