Ted Trzesniowski

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Email: ****@****.***
Location: Chester, New Jersey, United States
Current employer:
RENK America
Current title:
Chief Executive Officer
Last updated: 19/04/2024 08:06 AM
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Ted Trzesniowski is from Chester, New Jersey, United States. Ted is currently Chief Executive Officer at RENK America.

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Ted Trzesniowski's current jobs
Company: RENK America
Title: Chief Executive Officer
Period: Jul 2021 - Present (3 years, 6 months)

RENK America (Former L3Harris CPS) is a U.S. subsidiary of RENK GmbH Headquartered in Muskegon, Michigan - a city with a proud manufacturing history - RENK America is the leading global supplier of best-in-class mobility solutions for military combat vehicles. RENK America is driven by this sense of pride and purpose in our country and our community. We’re passionate about producing crucial components (engines, transmissions, power packs, hybrid powertrain, turret drives, etc) that support our military family and save soldiers’ lives. Whether here in our city or on the front lines, we take care of our own. WE POWER FREEDOM

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Ted Trzesniowski
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