Thao Nguyen

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Location: Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Current employer:
Luong Van Can Fund
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Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:46 AM
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Thao Nguyen is from Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Thao is currently Director at Luong Van Can Fund, located in Ho Chi Minh City, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. In Thao's previous role as a Legal Manager at Galaxy Cinema, Thao worked in until May 2018.

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Thao Nguyen's current jobs
Company: Luong Van Can Fund
Title: Director
Period: Feb 2018 - Present (6 years, 11 months)
Location: Ho Chi Minh City, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Luong Van Can Fund (LVCF) was established as a non-governmental, non-profit organisation. LVCF aims to develop a new generation of highly skilled professionals beneficial for Vietnam’s social and economic growth. Through its fundraising efforts, LVCF endeavors to provide post-graduate scholarships for outstanding Vietnamese students to study in countries with world-class education systems. Furthermore, the Fund will dedicate its budget to the provision of scholarships for students with disabilities, students with lower-income backgrounds, and students that live in isolated areas to pursue higher education within the country. The foundation is named after Luong Van Can, a Confucian scholar, who acknowledged the perils of root learning and the prevalent examination-oriented education system. This motivated Luong Van Can to dedicate himself to the propagation of revolutionary ideas and the development of the people’s intellectual standards in his efforts to bring prosperity to the people and strengthen the nation. In addition to his role as a teacher, Luong Van Can was also a savvy businessman. His book, entitled “Kim co Cach ngon’ (Maxims for All Ages), discusses “the morality of wealth creation” for Vietnamese people, asserting that businesses should be run with virtue, integrity and morality and that “honesty is the secret of success for any business person”.

Thao Nguyen's past jobs
Company: Galaxy Cinema
Title: Legal Manager
Period: May 2015 - May 2018 (3 years)
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