Thasneem Masood Rowther

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Location: Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Current employer: ROSSBELLE
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Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:05 AM
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Thasneem Masood Rowther is from Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. Thasneem Masood is currently Founder at ROSSBELLE, located in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.

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Thasneem Masood Rowther's current jobs
Title: Founder
Period: May 2015 - Present (9 years, 10 months)
Location: Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

Having garnered over 10 years of experiences in the fashion industry, I chose to join hands with my co-founder Adveta, whom I met in Cbazaar to launch our own labels where fashion and sustainability can coexist. With an in-depth understanding of the principle merchandising techniques and the ability to infuse ideas to energise brands we aspired to launch labels for women, something similar to our personal tastes. The aim was to connect and provide to women who wanted to be simple yet sophisticated and holistic and the best source of inspiration was none other than Mother Earth. My love for sustainable fashion grew as I realised the scope of impact that the fashion industry had on the environment. The initial researchers taught the founders the impact and rising concern of fast fashion. Thus, the brand Rossbelle was born - the vision was to create eco-friendly products by remaining in vogue and not compromising the quality while the mission was to create minimum impact - lesser carbon footprints, minimum wastage, a sustainable environment for the maker and the consumer.

Thasneem Masood Rowther's Colleagues
Ameen Siddiq
Junior Designer
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Thasneem Masood Rowther has 1 colleagues in total at ROSSBELLE. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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