Thomas Bauer

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Email: ****r@xaidat.com
Location: Graz, Styria, Austria
Current employer:
Xaidat Gmbh
Current title:
CEO / Founder
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:16 AM
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Thomas Bauer is from Graz, Styria, Austria. Thomas is currently CEO / Founder at Xaidat Gmbh, located in Graz, Styria, Austria. In Thomas's previous role as a CEO / Founder at Xaidat IT Solutions, Thomas worked in until Aug 2012. Prior to joining Xaidat IT Solutions, Thomas was a CEO / Founder at Solfox GmbH and held the position of CEO / Founder.

You can find Thomas Bauer's email address at finalscout.com. FinalScout is a free professional database with over five hundred million business professional profiles and over two hundred million company profiles.

Thomas Bauer's current jobs
Company: Xaidat Gmbh
Title: CEO / Founder
Period: Sep 2012 - Present (12 years, 4 months)
Location: Graz, Styria, Austria

At Xaidat customer satisfaction is our top priority. We aim to succeed in delivering innovative, state-of-the-art solutions by applying best practices and a mix of new handpicked technologies. Since 2001 our focus is software engineering as the craft itself. We have developed software in many areas but recently most projects involve web applications and/or mobile apps.

Thomas Bauer's past jobs
Company: Xaidat IT Solutions
Title: CEO / Founder
Period: May 2001 - Aug 2012 (11 years, 3 months)
Company: Solfox GmbH
Title: CEO / Founder
Period: Oct 2009 - Jul 2011 (1 year, 9 months)
Thomas Bauer's Colleagues
Bettina Gassner
Business Development Manager
Graz, Styria, Austria
Mario Nocnik
Senior Software Engineer
Graz, Styria, Austria
Florian Berthold
Senior Information Technology Consultant
Graz, Styria, Austria
Wittawat Manha
Software Engineer
Graz, Styria, Austria
Nadia Hussein-Okeil
Software Developer
Graz, Styria, Austria
Thomas Bauer has 8 colleagues in total at Xaidat Gmbh. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
Other people named Thomas Bauer
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Weyarn, Bavaria, Germany
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Fire Protection Engineer
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Dreieich, Hesse, Germany
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Vienna, Vienna, Austria
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Stellvertretender Vorsitzender des Konzernbetriebsrats
Pliezhausen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
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