Thomas J Goz MBA

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Location: Greater Hartford
Current employer:
Tsunami Tsolutions LLC.
Current title:
Associate Director, Account Services
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:42 AM
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Thomas J Goz MBA is from Greater Hartford. Thomas is currently Associate Director, Account Services at Tsunami Tsolutions LLC., located in Glastonbury, Connecticut, United States. In Thomas's previous role as a Program Manager, Asset Management Programs at UTC Aerospace Systems, Thomas worked in until Jan 2012.

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Thomas J Goz MBA's current jobs
Company: Tsunami Tsolutions LLC.
Title: Associate Director, Account Services
Period: Jan 2013 - Present (12 years)
Location: Glastonbury, Connecticut, United States

Scope of responsibilities encompasses multiple functional roles. • As Manager of the Project Management Office (PMO), lead a team of project managers and project administrators in coordinating IT development projects (utilizing both Waterfall and Agile methodologies), data management projects, and engineering and administrative support projects. Projects support a varied customer base, primarily in aerospace, covering both military and commercial activities. Projects range from short term (1-3 months) and cost (<$10k) to multi-year programs with $5m+ budgets. • As Account Manager, responsible for new customer acquisition, customer relationships, resource planning, and financial performance. • As Manager of Quality Management Systems (QMS), lead company efforts to become certified to international standards. Using Six-Sigma and ACE philosophies, Tom developed Tsunami Tsolutions own quality system, ORCA (Operational Reliability, Continuous Advancement), to incorporate continuous improvement and quality standards into the IT development process and into the company as a whole. Collect and analyze data, produce metrics, perform root cause analyses, and deliver customer presentations with the goal of producing the highest quality work in the most cost effective manner to achieve total customer satisfaction. • As Project Financial Manager, supports a large, multi-year military IT development program with requirements definition, budgeting, quoting, performance monitoring, invoicing activities, and on-time delivery to customer schedule. Utilize Market Feedback Analyses to measure customer satisfaction.

Thomas J Goz MBA's past jobs
Title: Program Manager, Asset Management Programs
Period: Jan 2007 - Jan 2012 (5 years)
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