Thomas Kmetz
Thomas Kmetz is from Louisville, Kentucky, United States. Thomas works in the following industries: "Hospital & Health Care". Thomas is currently President at Johns Hopkins All Children's Hospital, located in Tampa/St. Petersburg, Florida Area. In Thomas's previous role as a Division President, Womens' and Children's Services at Norton Healthcare, Thomas worked in Louisville, Kentucky Area until Jan 2018. Prior to joining Norton Healthcare, Thomas was a President, Norton Children's Hospital at Norton Healthcare and held the position of President, Norton Children's Hospital at Louisville, Kentucky Area. Prior to that, Thomas was a President, Norton Audubon Hospital and South/Central Market at Norton Healthcare, based in Louisville, Kentucky Area from Jan 2005 to Jan 2008. Thomas started working as President and Administrator, Norton Audubon Hospital at Norton Healthcare in Louisville, Kentucky Area in Jan 1998.
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Thomas Kmetz's current jobs
Thomas Kmetz's past jobs
Served as the Division President for Women's and Children's Services, leading two of the systems five hospitals and a large outpatient medical center dedicated to the care of children. Accountable for $700M in annual revenues, patient safety and quality, family experience, the development of nearly 3000 employees and growth strategies for these service lines.
The Senior Executive for Norton Children's Hospital and all pediatric services for the parent organization of Norton Healthcare. The primary responsibilities include a 263 bed hospital, an outpatient medical center with surgical, emergency and diagnostic services as well as multiple physician practices. It is the region's only full-service, freestanding pediatric hospital and Kentucky's only children's hospital with a Level 1 trauma center.
Served as the Senior Executive for Norton Audubon Hospital and provided strategic direction throughout complex matrix management relationships for all Norton Healthcare operations in the region.
Served as the Senior Executive of the 432 bed acute care hospital that provides a broad range of specialty services.