Tibor Van Melsem Kocsis

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Location: Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands
Current employer: DiManEx BV
Current title:
CEO - Founder
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:23 AM
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Tibor Van Melsem Kocsis is from Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands. Tibor is currently CEO - Founder at DiManEx BV, located in Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands. In Tibor's previous role as a Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) and member of Executive Board of Directors at Emtelle, Tibor worked in until Feb 2010.

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Tibor Van Melsem Kocsis's current jobs
Company: DiManEx BV
Title: CEO - Founder
Period: Dec 2015 - Present (9 years, 1 month)
Location: Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands

Dimanex customers analyze and identify the health of their low volume - and spare parts supply chain, create a digital inventory, and have these parts supplied on-demand and in a sustainable manner. Enabled by our assettless end to end software platform, the power of analytics/data, and global digital manufacturing network. IMPACT - Reducing Working Capital - measured with analytics - Reducing lead time by up to 90% - Eliminating Waste, Democratization (ESG) - measured with analytics - Supply Chain Optimization

Tibor Van Melsem Kocsis's past jobs
Company: Emtelle
Title: Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) and member of Executive Board of Directors
Period: Jun 2001 - Feb 2010 (8 years, 8 months)
Tibor Van Melsem Kocsis's Colleagues
Henk Jonker
Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands
Alexander Bours
Co Founder
Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands
Len Pannett
Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands
Pieter Ruijssenaars
Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands
Stephen Enright
Senior Software Engineer
Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands
Tibor Van Melsem Kocsis has 11 colleagues in total at DiManEx BV. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
Other people named Tibor Van Melsem Kocsis
Tibor van Melsem Kocsis
Global Commercial Director
Hawick, Scotland, United Kingdom
There are 1 other "Tibor Van Melsem Kocsis". You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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