Tiffani Frey

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Location: Greater Chicago Area
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Global Marketing Communications Manager
Last updated: 11/04/2024 15:57 PM
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Tiffani Frey is from Greater Chicago Area. Tiffani is currently Global Marketing Communications Manager at LANDAUER, located in Glenwood, Illinois, United States.

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Tiffani Frey's current jobs
Title: Global Marketing Communications Manager
Period: Oct 2021 - Present (3 years, 3 months)
Location: Glenwood, Illinois, United States

★ Played a key leadership role in developing and executing customer-focused integrated marketing communications and channel strategies to drive lead generation and new customer acquisition across multiple product categories including software, hardware, and subscription services. ★ Defined and established a strategic integrated marketing plan supported by data-driven market segmentation, consumer insights and personas, calendar planning, content strategies, and advertising tactics to effectively communicate product messaging. ★ Developed core messaging and master copy structure, including approval process through compliance and legal channels as necessary. ★ Guided the creative and writing teams in developing engaging assets for product marketing and GTM campaigns across channels utilizing social media, email, events, webinars, blog posts, videos, and more. ★ Lead and collaborated with many cross-functional teams to ensure continuity, timeline, and goals were met. ★ Established campaign goals and KPIs and monitored campaign performance to gather insights that informed continuous improvement in key metrics such as customer satisfaction, website and lead conversion rates, and lead quality. ★ Applied multiple business processes and tools such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Kaizen, Obeya, Problem Solving Process (PSP), Journey Mapping, Experimentation, Voice of the Customer (VOC), Value Stream Mapping (VSM), Transactional Process Improvement (TPI), Daily Management (DM), 5S, and Standard Work to optimize marketing operations. Key Results: ★ Updated content on 2 product pages to drive 35% growth in organic traffic and 28% growth in leads. ★ Created a webinar series that attracted the most attendees in company history (117% higher). ★ Developed and launched a market-share campaign that generated leads at 175% of the goal.

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