Tim Armstrong

Hyundai Motor America
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Email: ****g@hmausa.com
LinkedIn: Tim Armstrong
Location: Fountain Valley, California, United States
Current employer:
Hyundai Motor America
Current title:
Senior Manager, Purchasing
Last updated: 23/02/2024 08:51 AM
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Tim Armstrong is from Fountain Valley, California, United States. Tim works in the following industries: "Automotive". Tim is currently Senior Manager, Purchasing at Hyundai Motor America.

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Tim Armstrong's current jobs
Company: Hyundai Motor America
Title: Senior Manager, Purchasing
Period: Feb 2007 - Present (17 years, 11 months)

Manage the purchasing functions of the assigned Business Units to achieve maximum value and strategic purchasing results. Work closely, with early involvement to assist, direct, and mentor departments in best purchasing practices, and strategic planning/scheduling of complex initiatives. Serve as a business consulting partner to the Business Unit. Develop and maintain positive supplier relationships including review of performance on a regular basis. Analyze the company’s purchasing requirements, research market conditions, and recommend strategic improvements to streamline the purchasing procedures.

Tim Armstrong's education
1997 - 1999
1981 - 1982
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