Tim Brecher

President & Co-Founder, C&L Engine Solutions
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Email: ****r@cla.aero
LinkedIn: Tim Brecher
Location: Wimberley, Texas, United States
Current employer: C&L Aviation Group
Current title:
President and Co-Founder C&L Engine Solutions
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:53 AM
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Tim Brecher is from Wimberley, Texas, United States. Tim is currently President and Co-Founder C&L Engine Solutions at C&L Aviation Group, located in Bangor, Maine, United States.

Tim Brecher can be found on Finalscout.com, where members can access Tim Brecher's email for free. Finalscout is a professional database with more than 500 million business professional profiles and 200 million company profiles.

Tim Brecher's current jobs
Title: President and Co-Founder C&L Engine Solutions
Period: Apr 2017 - Present (7 years, 9 months)
Location: Bangor, Maine, United States

C&L Engine Solutions specializes in commercial, corporate and regional aircraft & engine transactions. We trade, lease and acquire assets, we offer management services to decrease the burden on operators. Our one-stop-solution approach means that you will be able to get all the help you need with your transaction in one place. That saves time and money, and it ensures that you are getting the best deal possible for your investment. We have specific expertise and focus in the following engine types: CF34 CF6 GE90 GEnx Our services include: Engine Sales and Leasing Engine Acquisitions Engine Disassembly Portfolio Management Engine Sales and Acquisitions As a global business, we support airline customers all of the world, and we actively engage in purchasing new and used commercial, regional and business jet aircraft engines. Our large and varied portfolio, along with our expertise, allows us to provide creative fleet management services to investors and aircraft owners. This is especially important as airlines undergo a high volume of transitioning aircraft. Our support, expertise and inventory can decrease the burden on operators as they move between old and new fleets.

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