Tim Heyl

Founder at Homeward
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LinkedIn: Tim Heyl
Location: Austin, Texas, United States
Current employer: Homeward
Current title:
Founder, CEO
Last updated: 02/03/2024 14:46 PM
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Tim Heyl is from Austin, Texas, United States. Tim is currently Founder, CEO at Homeward, located in Austin, Texas, United States.

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Tim Heyl's current jobs
Company: Homeward
Title: Founder, CEO
Period: Jul 2018 - Present (6 years, 6 months)
Location: Austin, Texas, United States

I’m partnership with great agents, we are transforming the way people buy and sell homes with The Homeward Cash Offer. Sellers request our cash offer online and sell us their home directly instead of going through the traditional listing process - after cashing them out, we resell the home on market for its full price and pass them back all of the upside. Buyers make cash offers with homewards funds to buy before they sell and win multiple offer situations.

Tim Heyl's education
Texas A&M University - Mays Business School
2005 - 2009
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