Tim Perzyk
Tim Perzyk is from San Francisco, California, United States. Tim works in the following industries: "Law Practice", "Internet", "Marketing & Advertising", "Entertainment", and "Logistics & Supply Chain". Tim is currently Chief Marketing Officer at 1047 Games. In Tim's previous role as a CMO / Global Head of Marketing at X, Tim worked in San Francisco, California, United States until Feb 2024. Prior to joining X, Tim was a Global VP of Marketing & Research at Twitter and held the position of Global VP of Marketing & Research. Prior to that, Tim was a Associate Director of Research, Bravo at NBCUniversa from May 2008 to Apr 2010. Tim started working as Research Director, Sales at Tremor Vide in Jan 2010.
Tim Perzyk can be found on Finalscout.com, where members can access Tim Perzyk's email for free. Finalscout is a professional database with more than 500 million business professional profiles and 200 million company profiles.