Timothy D W

CEO @ Paradigm 3i Solutions | Program Management, Strategy
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Email: ****@****.***
LinkedIn: Dr. timothy d. W.
Location: Washington DC-Baltimore Area
Current employer:
Paradigm 3i Solutions
Current title:
Chief Executive Officer
Last updated: 09/05/2024 08:46 AM
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Timothy D W is from Washington DC-Baltimore Area. Timothy is currently Chief Executive Officer at Paradigm 3i Solutions.

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Timothy D W's current jobs
Company: Paradigm 3i Solutions
Title: Chief Executive Officer
Period: Feb 2005 - Present (19 years, 11 months)

Paradigm 3I Solutions is a Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business (SDVOSB) / defense and commercial services company providing world-class portfolio, strategic and program management services for federal, state and local government agencies; expert in DoDAF Model Based System Development and Full Life Cycle Programming and Budgeting. At Paradigm 3i Solutions, our success is in our integrity and commitment to provide value based solutions to satisfy customer requirements within budget, cost, schedule and performance. We offer extensive experience, leadership and dedication to quality service and excellence.

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